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校門口學生接送區 禁止停車: 如果您需要下車,陪同孩子走進校園,或停車等待孩子下課,請您務 必將車子停放在停車場。校門口只允許學生上下車,禁止停車等待, 阻礙車流。從本週開始,校園巡守員將會在校門口維持交通秩序,請 家長配合。 No parking at the front door drop-off area: If you need to walk with your children to the classroom or wait for them after school, please park your car in the parking lot. The entire front door section must always be clear, and vehicles must quickly move after the students are dropped off or picked up. Please use the same airport drop-off and pick-up protocol. The congestion has become a safety hazard. We appreciate your cooperation. |
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快要放寒假嘍! 👉12/16,是本學期的最後一堂課了。 老師,家長,同學,辛苦了! 👉12/23/2022 至 1/6/2023,放寒假; 預祝大家聖誕節快樂,元旦新年闔家平安團圓。 👉1/13/2023開學,記得準時回學校報到喔! |
The Winter Break is almost here!
👉12/16 is the last class of this semester.
Bravo to teachers, parents, and students! We did it!
👉12/23/2022 to 1/6/2023: Winter Break;
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
👉1/13/2023, the first day of the 2nd semester starts.
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灣谷新春聯歡節目,繼續尋找小主持人! 2/4,「兔年新春聯歡」,繼續接受小主持人報名中! 中文說得好,不怯場,敢大聲說話的同學,請向校長毛遂自薦! 也歡迎有特殊才藝的同學和校長聯繫,視時間許可,安排演出。 校長email:noyalee.bvcs@gmail.com |
BVCS' Chinese New Year Celebration Committee in Search
of Student Emcee!
We are looking for students to emcee the Spring Festival Gala. If your child is not shy
on stage, capable of speaking fluent Mandarin, and able to project his/her voice in
public, please refer him or her to the principal. Also, we would like to encourage
students with special talents to show off their skills on stage and would love to integrate
that into our program as time permits. Please feel free to volunteer your students and
contact Principal Noya Lee.
Email of Principal Noya Lee:noyalee.bvcs@gmail.com.
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朗誦比賽,開始報名嘍! 灣谷中文學校即將在2/17,舉辦校內朗誦比賽,歡迎每一位同 學參加!第一名的優勝者,將會代表灣谷中文學校,參加由北 加州中文學校聯合會所主辦的年度學藝競賽! 👉報名表連結: t.ly/FP4P 👉國語漢語拼音朗讀稿下載: t.ly/Y9td |
The Read-Aloud contest is now open for registration!
Bay Valley Chinese School will hold a read-aloud competition in the school on 2/17. All students are welcome to participate! The first-place winner will represent Bay Valley Chinese School to participate in the annual competition organized by the Association of Northern California Chinese Schools (ANCCS)!
👉Registration form link:t.ly/FP4P
👉Read-Aloud scrip download link:t.ly/Y9td
👉The competition is grouped by age. Please refer to the following rules for details:
【Contest Date/Time】: Friday, Feb. 17, 2023, 5:00 PM
【Location】 Pine Valley Middle School (TBA)
【Registration Deadline】: Friday, Jan 20, 2023
Age Group
Group A: 2009/9/1 (On or Before)
Group B: 2009/9/2 ─ 2012/9/1
Group C: 2012/9/2 ─ 2015/9/1
Group D: 2015/9/2 ─ 2018/9/1
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December and January Calendar |
12/16 | 上學期最後一天上課 Last day of the first-semester |
12/23 | 寒假 Winter Break |
12/30 | 寒假 Winter Break |
01/06 | 寒假 Winter Break |
01/13 | 開學 First day of the 2nd-semester |
01/20 | 新春聯歡第一次排練 Rehearsal for CNY celebration |
01/27 | 新春聯歡第二次排練 Rehearsal for CNY celebration |
02/04 | 兔年新春聯歡慶祝活動 Lunar New Year Celebration |
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感謝灣谷中文學校贊助人 Acknowledgement of Donations |
Special thanks to BVCS' Board of Director, Evelyne Chiang, for her generous donation to
Bay Valley Chinese School. Thank you for continuing to support our mission in providing
children a creative and nurturing environment to learn Chinese language and culture.
捐款人姓名 Name of Donor |
捐款人職稱 Title of Donor |
捐款金額 Donation Amount |
張東明 Evelyne Chiang |
灣谷中文學校董事長 Chairwoman of the Board of BVCS | US $1,000 |
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灣谷中文學校為非營利組織,歡迎私人或公司企業捐款,所有捐助,皆 可抵稅。 |
Bring the Spirit of Gift Giving and Show your Support to your
Children by Supporting BVCS!
Bay Valley Chinese School is a non-profit 503(c) organization
managed by parent volunteers and motivated teachers. We would like to reach out to
those who have access to companies that offer programs such as 'Matching Gifts" and
"Volunteer Grants" to non-profit organizations. Please click the link below for more
information about securing corporation donations: https://doublethedonation.com/tips/donation-requests/
In honor of your generosity, the school will issue a donor acknowledgment letter, and
your name and/or company will be posted on eNews and BVCS' website at:
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12/16/2022- Campus Patrol Duty List: Only one parent/guardian from a household needs to be on duty. Designated parents listed in the table below should sign in with our Yard Duty Lead of December, Michelle Wang. Duty starts from 6:45 pm to 8:50 pm. |
LO CARY | 羅志華 | CHONG CAROL | 莊翠貞 |
LO JEFFREY | 駱鴻欣 | LO JENNIFER | 雷詩薇 |
LO TZE-YU | 羅子彧 | CHAN DIANA | 陳頌言 |
LOH JOHN | |||
LOWE CLARK | 克拉克 | MANNS MAE-LIN | 蒙美琳 |
LU JUN | 盧駿 | CHEN LIANG-YU | 陳亮宇 |
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徵求2023年3月份保安輪值召集人! Seeking a Yard Duty Lead for the month of March in 2023! |
Yard Duty Lead is one of the most rewarding jobs you can have at BVCS.
Shift-leader's responsibility is to coordinate, manage, & lead all facets of security for
one (1) month out of the year. Taking up this position will fulfill your yard duty
obligation. Please contact Frank Chiang at fchiang@outlook.com for more details.
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相片集錦 Photo Gallery |
❤️ 感謝用心備課,熱忱教學的老師,12/9,再度為學生準備了一堂豐盛有趣的網路課
❤️Thanks to all the fantastic BVCS teachers for providing the students with such a fun and enriched online class on 12/9!
❤️ KA class, substitute teacher, Gao laoshi.
❤️ KB class, Tammy laoshi.
❤️ 1A class, Su laoshi.
❤️ 1B class, Fang laoshi.
❤️ 2A class, Kong laoshi.
❤️ 3A class, Zhou laoshi.
❤️ 3B class, Lai laoshi.
❤️ 4A class, Lǚ laoshi.
❤️ 4B class, Liu laoshi.
❤️ 5A class, Jiang laoshi.
❤️ 6th-grade class, Liao laoshi.
❤️ 7th-grade class, Gao laoshi.
❤️ 李校長在線上指導2A班學生,學習原住民創作舞蹈。
❤️ 2A class is learning the Taiwan Aborigine Dance with principal Lee online!
Check out the BVCS photo album!