10/27, this Friday, instruction is scheduled to be held online.
Please refer to your teacher’s email for information on accessing the
online session. Your timely presence is greatly appreciated!
👉歌唱 / 西畫比賽,報名如火如荼展開!
👉Chinese Songs Singing Contest & Western Drawing Contest
open for registration.
Date of our Singing and Drawing Contests: December 15., 2023
Registration deadline: November 10, 2023
🏮Registration method: complete this FORM online.
🏮Contest Guidelines & Rules: click HERE for more details.
👆NOTE: It is crucial to carefully review the contest guidelines and rules as they provide specific details such as the choice of song, the type of drawing mediums and
the maximum time allowed. For further questions or clarifications, please feel free to
reach out to the contest coordinator, Angela Chou, at BVCS.epcontest@gmail.com
10/27 | 網路課 Online Instruction |
11/10 |
校內歌唱,畫畫比賽,截止報名! Last day to register for Singing & Drawing Contests! 放假,退伍軍人節 Holiday (Veterans Day) |
11/24 | 放假,感恩節 Holiday (Thanksgiving) |
12/08 | 網路課 Online Instruction |
12/15 | 校內歌唱比賽 / 西畫比賽日 Intra-school Singing & Drawing Contests |
12/22 | 寒假 Winter Break |
12/29 | 寒假 Winter Break |
01/05/2024 | 寒假 Winter Break |
👉徵求 12月,1月,2月,校園巡守隊月隊長 為校園安全把關,我們需要您! 灣谷中文學校是一個由義工所組成的非營利組織,有家長的積極參與, 才能順利推動校務。 12月,1月,2月的校園巡守隊月隊長,尚無人選。人手短缺,嚴重影響孩子的校園安全。 邀請熱血家長,來當灣谷的月隊長吧! 帶領校園巡守隊,巡邏,照護,關懷孩子們,讓孩子看到英勇的爸爸媽媽, 正在守護著 大家的安全! 有關月隊長的任務,請聯繫訓導主任蔣國恩: fchiang@outlook.com |
👉December, January, February Monthly Yard Duty Leads Needed!
This is one of the most rewarding jobs that you can help out with BVCS, and become an integral
part of the school security team by enforcing safety for all the kids & adults. We are the team
that directs traffic, ensures safety for the entire campus between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m.,
manages all of the emergency drills, and places band-aids on your kids when they fall during
break time.
We are extremely shorthanded this year and still have three months open. The months we
need a lead for include Dec/2023, January/2024, and Feb/2024. If you are interested in
2024/2025, please let us know as well. Your responsibilities are to coordinate, manage, & lead
all facets of security for the entire month that you sign up for. We desperately need you to
consider this position. Please contact Frank Chiang at fchiang@outlook.com for any additional
相片/影片集錦 Photo/Video Album |
🎃Bay Valley Halloween Parade! 🎃
Eye-catching class banners from our enthusiastic teachers elicited applause
from our guests and parents!
❤️Special Thank you to:
Exciting reveal of the top 5 Halloween costume winners next week! Don’t miss the
highlights of our spectacular Halloween Parade in the video below.
Check out more Halloween photos on BVCS's Facebook page
社區活動分享 Community Events |
👉10/29,台灣Ya市呀 & 萬聖節兒童變裝秀!
時間:10-29-2023,週六,2 pm - 5 pm
地址:100 South Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035
👉10/29 Taiwan Night Market in SFBA & Halloween Costume Contest!
Savor the delectable delights of Taiwanese night-market snacks!
Watch your child light up the stage at the Costume Contest!
Bond with your loved ones with the one-of-a-kind family activities!
Just to mention a few of the snacks offered: onigiri, stinky tofu, wheel cakes, pickled
guava Chiayi chicken rice, sugarcane juice, winter melon tea, etc.
Simultaneously taking place is the Halloween Costume Contest for children.
Encourage your child to go on stage and showcase their creativity. Fantastic cash
prizes go to top three contenders and other wonderful prizes to outstanding participants.
Step into the main hall and immerse yourself in the captivating performances of lion
dance, diabolo (Chinese Yo-Yo), Taiko drumming, San Tai Zi (Nezha) Dance and
indigenous dance.
Explore cultural game booths and handicraft stalls both indoors and outdoors.
Time: October 29, 2023 (Saturday) 2 pm – 5 pm
Place: Culture Center of T.E.C.O. in San Francisco (Milpitas)
Address: 100 South Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035