10/14, 10/28,網課: 老師將寄出網課的連結和密碼。學生務必遵守網路教室秩序,專心上課勿分心,也請家長從旁督促協助。 10/14, 10/28: Online classes. The teachers will send out an online class link. Students must respect and follow the rules. Parents, please provide help if needed to make sure your children are paying attention in class. |
10/21,全校萬聖節遊行:秀出你獨特的萬聖節裝扮吧! 10/21: Halloween Parade Show off your Halloween costume and have fun! |
11/11: "Blackhawk Museum" cultural field trip
The school has sent out an email to notify families which have successfully signed up for the field trip. Please turn in your signed student waiver to school office A101 on 10/21.
謝謝訓導主任蔣國恩的細心安排,也感謝急救講座的主講人--灣谷中文學校的熱心家長,Ryan Wu,為大家詳細解說急救要領,講座精彩受用。 Great teamwork on the School emergency drill! Thanks to the student affairs director, Frank Chiang, for arranging the emergency drill. Thanks to the first-aid class keynote speaker, Mr. Ryan Wu, who provided many valuable tips for campus safety. |
重要通知 Important Announcements: |
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相片集錦 Photo Gallery |
熱心家長,Ryan Wu,精彩又實用的的急救講座,讓大家獲益匪淺。
Our marvelous parent, Mr. Ryan Wu, offers many professional first-aid tips.
Yard-duty parents in the first-aid class.
The emergency drill. Students followed their teachers to the designated safe location.
感謝Ryan Wu專業的校園安全急救講座。
Thanks to Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu for offering a great school safety class.
The student activity director, Julie, prepared hot tea for teachers, staff, and parent volunteers.
Chairwoman, Evelyne Chiang,
brought healthy steamed buns to the school to express her gratitude to all the teachers and staff for their hard work.
Check out the BVCS photo album!