班級家長代表會議: 9/1, 7:10 pm ~ 7:50 pm (A101 office)
全校十四個班級, 十四位熱心的家長代表全部到位!
這個禮拜五, 請到 A101 辦公室,喝咖啡, 吃點心, 和行政團隊一起腦力激盪。
您是家長, 老師, 學生, 和學校之間的重要橋樑。
同舟共濟, 群策群力, 為灣谷今年的教學和活動努力!
Room-Parent Meeting: 9/1, 7:10 pm ~ 7:50 pm (A101 office)
14 classes with all 14 enthusiastic Room Parents enlisted!
This Friday in Room 101, you are cordially invited to an orientation meeting where you
will enjoy some refreshments and brainstorm with our administrative team on how to
use the class fee fund and support various school events.
As a Room Parent, you serve as a crucial bridge of communication among students,
teachers, parents, and the school. The success of school events and activities depends
on your assistance and dedication.
Thank you all for signing up for such an important job. The time you spend in this
capacity is greatly appreciated by our teachers and staff.
Let’s team up, boost our collaborative spirit, and strive for the best for Bay Valley!
👉You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the duties of room parents by clicking
the following link:
September 1 Room-parent meeting with Administrative Staff 班代表會議 September 22 Emergency Evacuation Drill 緊急疏散演習 |
9/01/2023,本週校園巡守隊名單 Campus Patrol List this Friday:
灣谷中文學校是非營利組織, 教職人員有限, 非常需要義工家長投入, 分擔責任。
一個家庭只需要一位家長輪值, 本週輪值家長, 請提前到校, 於 6:45 pm 向隊長 Frank
Chiang 報到, 巡守任務於 8:50 pm 結束。下方為本週家長校園巡守隊輪值名單。
有關巡守隊責任, 或需要更改輪值日期等相關問題, 請 email 訓導組蔣國恩主任:
BVCS is a non-profit organization. To keep the tuition affordable, all parents are
expected to devote a certain number of service hours to support school operations.
Only one parent/guardian from a household needs to be on duty. Designated parents
listed in the table below should sign in with our Yard Duty Lead, Frank Chiang, this Friday. Duty starts from 6:45 pm to 8:50 pm.
Should you have questions about the schedule of your yard duty, please contact Frank
Chiang, the Director of Student Affairs, at fchiang@outlook.com.
1. 如何聯絡校方 Ways to Contact Bay Valley Chinese School
緊急事件, 或任何與校務相關問題, 建議, 歡迎直接聯絡李娜亞校長:
(628) 333-9229.
For inquiries that need immediate response, please email to our principal at
noyalee.bvcs@gmail.com or call her hotline at (628) 333-9229.
2. 口罩與健康 Masking Protocols
否佩戴口罩。 但是有鑑於最近冠狀病毒傳播有上升的趨勢,校方鼓勵老師,職員及助教在
Masking is not required at school. Students, parents and visitors are always welcome to
wear a mask at their own discretion, based on their preference and personal risk.
However, as coronavirus transmission has started to uptick in California recently, we
would highly recommend our teachers, staff and teaching assistants to wear a mask in
an indoor setting.
Our health watch protocols align with the latest guidance provided by the San Ramon
Unified School District and the California Department of Public Health.
CDPH advises putting on a mask if:
3. 校園安全和規範 Campus Safety and Security Guidelines
Our parent-yard-duties are entrusted with the responsibilities to monitor student activity
and behavior on the school campus. In order to ensure a safe environment conducive to
learning, our yard-duties will enforce the following rules:
相片/影片集錦 Photo/Video Album |
謝謝辛苦的校園巡守隊長, John🙏
Thank you, John, for volunteering to be our campus patrol lead🙏
下課了, 爸爸媽媽來接小朋友下課了!❤️
Class dismissed; parents came to pick up their kids!❤️
Check out more photos on BVCS's Facebook page