Week of 08/25/2023
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Ice Cream Social

Ice Cream Social

🎉🎉灣谷冰淇淋聯誼日 文化體驗熱鬧滾滾🎉🎉

感謝所有馳援的教職同仁, 家長義工, 成就一場文化盛宴!
灣谷助教哥哥姊姊賣力挖冰淇淋, 賣力表演舞獅和台灣電音三太子舞蹈。
轟隆鼓聲炒熱氣氛, 大小朋友拿著小獅頭和哪吒的乾坤圈, 跟著跳躍起來!
別開生面的中華文化體驗活動, 為新學年度熱鬧揭開序幕!

感謝大家支持, 2023-2024 學年度招生額滿, 報名截止。
想加入灣谷大家庭的小朋友, 明年請早!

🎉🎉Bay Valley Ice Cream Social Day - A Flurry of Fun and Cultural Experience🎉🎉

Last Friday’s Ice-Cream Social was a huge success!
Thanks to our volunteers and staff for their detailed coordination behind the scenes! Thanks to our teaching assistants who assiduously served up three different flavors of ice-cream, and energetically performed the lion dance and the Taiwanese Third Prince (Nezha) Techno Dance.
Rhythmic and resonating drumbeats churned up the festive ambience and drew a crowd of young ones and parents to join the dance with the mini lion heads and the Nezha's Qiankun rings.
At the backdrop of this one-of-a-kind Chinese cultural experience, we officially kicked off an exciting academic year!

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your interest in our school. As the enrollment period has ended, we no longer accept new registrations. For those who wish to join the Bay Valley family, please plan ahead next year and stay connected with us through our website and mailing list for updates. (Next enrollment opens in May 2024.)

Ice Cream Social

❤️ 校長的話

日落前的艷陽下, 發燙的鐵門前, 棗紅色的人兒點點。
穿梭著, 爬高, 俯身:笑談著, 擺設, 盤點。
兔子耳朵, 豎著, 彎著, 那棗紅色的人兒, 陽光下, 美麗的焦點;

鑼鼓, 喧天吵; 沸騰, 人聲鬧!
少年們奮力舞獅, 帶動電音舞蹈; 大人們歡呼鼓掌, 相機捕捉美好。
冰淇淋, 甜甜的, 融化在嘴裡; 文化, 震撼的, 融化在血液裡。

汗濕衣襟, 腿酸了, 腰痛了, 聲音啞了;
下課鈴響, 吆喝著, 叮嚀著, 擁抱晚安;
夜幕低垂, 收拾細軟, 喧嘩後, 安靜著;
月兒彎彎, 微風徐徐, 夜色中, 回憶著。

致, 親愛的灣谷夥伴, 同仁, 義工家長! 謝謝您, 刻在我心裡的美好。❤️


❤️ Principal's Message

Under the radiant sun before dusk, in front of the heated iron gate, the maroon-red figures appear here and there.
Moving around, climbing high, bending low: chit-chatting, setting up, taking stock.
Plush rabbit ears, standing up, bending over—those maroon-red figures, under the sunbeams, converge as the focal points of beauty.

Drums and gongs, roaring loud; conversation and laughter, rumbling up!
The youth vigorously dance with the lion heads, leading the electronic rave.
Adults cheer and applaud, cameras capturing the memorable moments.
Ice cream, sweet, melting in the mouth; culture, breathtaking, melting into the blood.

Sweat-dampened clothing, weary legs, aching backs, hoarse voice.
Dismissal bell ringing, calling out, counseling, embracing goodnight.
Night falls, packing up; hustle and bustle retreats, peace and quiet seeping in.
The crescent moon, gentle breeze, under the night’s shroud, reminiscing.

Kudos to our Bay Valley partners, colleagues, and volunteers!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❤️

Noya Lee


  Important Date   September 1
Room-parent meeting with Administrative Staff

September 22
Emergency Evacuation Drill


Parent Yard Duty

8/25/2023,本週校園巡守隊名單 Campus Patrol List this Friday:
灣谷中文學校是非營利組織, 教職人員有限, 非常需要義工家長投入, 分擔責任。
一個家庭只需要一位家長輪值, 本週輪值家長, 請提前到校, 於 6:45 pm 向隊長 Frank Chiang 報到, 巡守任務於 8:50 pm 結束。下方為本週家長校園巡守隊輪值名單。
BVCS is a non-profit organization. To keep the tuition affordable, all parents are expected to devote a certain number of service hours to support school operations. Only one parent/guardian from a household needs to be on duty. Designated parents listed in the table below should sign in with our Yard Duty Lead, Frank Chiang, this Friday. Duty starts from 6:45 pm to 8:50 pm.

Yard Duty


Important Announcements

1. 灣谷通訊 BVCS' eNews
BVCS' eNews, released every Wednesday, is posted on the school website. Parents will receive an email containing a link to the release. Please contact us if you have not received the email notification yet.

2. 徵求九月校園巡守隊隊長!
In search of Yard Duty Lead for the month of September!

This is one of the most rewarding jobs you can have at BVCS. Shift-leader's responsibility is to coordinate, manage, & lead all facets of security for one month out of the year. We desperately need you to consider this position. Please contact Frank Chiang at fchiang@outlook.com for more information.

3. 校園安全和規範 Campus Safety and Security Guidelines

  1. 學生不可攀爬, 快跑, 推擠。
  2. 上課中途進入校園的成人, 請先向校園巡守員登記, 表明身分。
  3. 教室內不可飲食。
  4. 尊重地主學校, 保持教室清潔, 切勿任意使用或搬動教室內任何物品。

Our parent-yard-duties are entrusted with the responsibilities to monitor student activity and behavior on the school campus. In order to ensure a safe environment conducive to learning, our yard-duties will enforce the following rules:

  1. Students are prohibited from climbing, running or causing disruptions on the campus.
  2. Visitors who are not an immediate relative of students must check in with the yard-duty at the front gate and record on the "visitors book" their name, signature, the purpose of their visit, and the date and time of their arrival and departure.
  3. No eating or drinking inside the classrooms.
  4. Respect the host school, keep the classroom clean, leave items in the classroom as they are (including computer, documents, camera and students' artworks), and refrain from using or moving them.

4. 家長休息室 Parents' Lounge:
A102 教室為家長休息室。上課期間, 嚴禁在走廊遊走; 請降低聲量, 不干擾上課。
Parents are welcome to stay in classroom A102 while school is in session. In order to ensure the safety of our students and to avoid distractions to teaching and classroom activities, parents should not loiter in the hallway or outside classrooms. Parents’ cooperation in maintaining a quiet environment is very much appreciated.


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Ice Cream Social

Ice Cream Social

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