Week of 08/18/2023
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Ice Cream Social

Ice Cream Social

🎉 8/18, 週五重要活動 🎉

6:00 pm - 6:50 pm: 冰淇淋聯誼

7:00 pm - 7:50 pm: 新家庭說明會


Ice Cream Social

🎉Upcoming this Friday on August 18🎉

Ice-Cream Social: 6:00 pm – 6:50 pm, School Courtyard
Don't miss your scoop of delicious ice cream! Free and glee!
Come to watch the big and small lions dancing away! Meet the jovial and playful "Techno-Dancing Third Prince" and follow his spirited dancing steps!
Tantalizing treats! Great fun! Exuberant entertainment! Come one, come all!

Parents Orientation Meeting: 7:00 pm – 7:50 pm, A102 Parents' Room
Get to know our administrative team, who will explain our educational philosophy, spell out our teaching plan for the year, and introduce our cultural events, carnival, and singing/read aloud/drawing contests. Bay Valley’s parents are, like hidden tigers and crouching dragons, talented and knowledgeable. We will be sharing at the meeting a list of opportunities that call for your assistance and involvement. Put your expertise and knowledge to use and ignite your passion!

Teachers' Presentations: 8:30 pm –8:50 pm, respective classrooms
(Please refer to the campus map below for the location of classrooms.)
All our 14 teachers have prepared well to acquaint you with the curriculum, the pedagogy, as well as their goals and expectations. This is also the best time to sign up with the teacher for the one and only one room-parent position for your class.


Open Enrollment

只有部份班級尚有些許名額, 註冊窗口即將關閉, 動作要快, 不要錯過了喔!
There are still a few spots available in some classes. If anyone is interested in enrolling, please contact our Registrar or the Principal as soon as possible. They are up for grabs!
❤️ 註冊主任信箱 Registrar's email: bvcsreg@gmail.com
❤️ 校長專線 Principal’s Hotline: (628) 333-9229
❤️ 灣谷快樂開學日, 家長和小朋友帶著笑容下課回家
❤️ An excited first day of school at Bay Valley! Parents and students going home with smiles.


Important Announcements

1. 灣谷通訊 BVCS' eNews
BVCS' eNews, released every Wednesday, is posted on the school website. Parents will receive an email containing a link to the release. Please contact us if you have not received the email notification yet.

2. 教室分配圖 Campus and Classroom Map

Classroom Map

3. 行事曆 School Calendar:
Please click here for BVCS calendar

4. 家長休息室 Parents' Lounge:
LA102 教室為家長休息室。上課期間,嚴禁在走廊遊走;請降低聲量,不干擾上課。
Parents are welcome to stay in classroom A102 while school is in session. In order to ensure the safety of our students and to avoid distractions to teaching and classroom activities, parents should not loiter in the hallway or outside classrooms. Parents' cooperation in maintaining a quiet environment is very much appreciated.

5. 家長班級代表,一班一個名額! In Search of Room-Parents!
We are searching for room parents, one for each class. Room parents would assume the liaison role between the school and parents. Yard duty will be waived for room parents. Please sign up as early as possible with your teachers and come to our orientation meeting on September 1.

6. 學生家長手冊 Parent & Student Handbook
尊重地主學校, 保持教室清潔, 切勿任意使用或搬動教室內任何物品。
Please abide by the rules and regulations stated in the Parent and Student Handbook. Respect the property right of Pine Valley Middle School. Any and all things in the classroom should not be used, moved or tampered with. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom.
Please click here for the Handbook

7. 徵求每月「校園巡守隊」隊長! In search of Monthly Yard Duty Leads!
徵召有領導協調能力的熱心家長, 出馬擔任校園巡守隊隊長!請您一馬當先, 勇於承擔!
This is one of the most rewarding jobs you can have at BVCS. Shift-leader's responsibility is to coordinate, manage, & lead all facets of security for one month out of the year. We desperately need you to consider this position. Please contact Frank Chiang at fchiang@outlook.com for more information.

8. 「家長校園巡守隊」義工輪值表, 將於近期公佈 Parent Duty List:
灣谷是非營利組織, 請您出錢出力協助辦學! 感謝義工家長, 奉獻時間維護校園安全。 學生分班任務結束後, 校方將在每週更新的學校官網中, 詳列家長校園巡守隊名單。
BVCS is a non-profit organization. In order to keep the tuition at an affordable level, all parents are expected to devote some hours of service to support the school's operation. Due to the changes in student headcount in the first two weeks, the parent duty list will not be available until the third week. Please stay tuned by checking your email, our eNews, and the school website.

9. 退費須知 Withdrawal and Tuition Refund:
8/19/2023 退費申請截止,退費規定請參考下方列表。
Please refer to the table below for the withdrawal and tuition refund schedule. No more requests for withdrawal will be processed on or after August 19, 2023.

Withdrawal Schedule