👉 北加州中文學校聯合會雙週刊,詳細記載布袋戲研習點滴,請點閱下方連結:
👉More details about the “Puppet Theatre Workshop” have been posted in the ANCCS’ Bi-weekly newsletter, which can be viewed in the link below:
👉 世界日報,資深記者熊移山的「灣區看世界」影音報導,有灣谷老師學習的身影:
👉Footage of BVCS teachers’ learning experience at the “Puppet Theatre Workshop” is captured in “A View of the World From Bay Area,” a video report by the senior journalist, Leo Hsiung, from the World Journal.
��Please click the Google Album below to enjoy more photos of th
Read-Aloud Contest, Puppet Theatre Workshop and BVCS Class Time.