Week of 01/12/2024
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🎉新年快樂! Happy New Year!🎉

Chinese New Year Celebration

2/10, BVCS Dragon Year Celebration! Welcome everyone to join us!


🎉🎉恭喜八位同學, 榮登灣谷小歌星英雄榜!🎉🎉
🎉🎉Congratulations to the eight BVCS student singing contest winners!🎉🎉

Singing Stars Board Singing Stars Winners Singing Stars Winners Singing Stars Winners

Singing Stars Winners


🎉🎉Congratulations to the seven BVCS TAs who won the "U.S. President's Volunteer Service Award!"🎉🎉

Singing Stars Winners

「美國總統志工服務獎」(The President’s Volunteer Service Award)是美國政府為鼓勵美國公民或具有美國永久居留權者參與志工服務所創設。

「北加州中文學校聯合會」的會員學校,其在校學生和無給職助教 (滿11歲和以上) 均可申請。依照與中文學校舉辦的文教相關活動服務,和其它社區服務的時數多寡,分為銅級、銀級及金級。

The President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is created to encourage US citizens or US permanent residents to participate in volunteer service.

Member schools of the Association of Northern California Chinese Schools (ANCCS) can apply PVSA for students (over 11 years of age and older) through ANCCS with volunteer services related to Chinese cultural and educational activities. Based on the service hours, the award is divided into bronze, silver, and gold.

🎉 金牌獎得主 The Gold Award winners:
         🏆 林立恩 Ian Lin (2A Class TA)
         🏆 王品蘊 Emily Wang (4B Class TA)

🎉 銀牌獎得主 The Silver Award winners:
         🏆 林立祥 Sean Lin (5A Class TA)
         🏆 陳柏瑋 Micheal Chen (KA Class TA)

🎉 銅牌獎得主 The Bronze Award winners:
         🏆 王婕琳 Jaclyn Wang (KB Class TA)
         🏆 袁子宜 Angelina Scott (1B Class TA)
         🏆 袁子鵬 Connor Scott (1B Class TA)


Read Aloud

🏆 灣谷朗讀比賽, 1/12 ,截止報名,動作快喔!
下載朗讀比賽稿, 請按 這裡
線上報名, 請按 這裡
比賽報名截止日: 01-12-2024

🏆 Enter the BVCS Read-Aloud Contest Now Online!
The BVCS Intra-School Read-Aloud Contest is currently open for registration. Seize the opportunity to showcase your talents! The deadline is fast approaching. Don’t miss the chance to shine!
Click HERE to download the read-aloud articles.
Click HERE to register online NOW!
Registration deadline: 01-12-2024
Contest date: 1-26-2024


Important Announcement

01/12 第二學期開學 Second semester starts
朗讀比賽報名截止日 Read Aloud contest signup deadline
01/26 校內朗讀, 西畫比賽日
BVCS Read-Aloud Contest & Western Painting Contest

Chinese New Year Celebration Rehearsal-1
02/02 新春聯歡排練-2
Chinese New Year Celebration Rehearsal-2
02/10 灣谷龍年新春聯歡
BVCS Celebrates the Year of the Dragon
02/17 教職員線上會議
Teachers and Staff Online Meeting



👉 徵求灣谷校園巡守隊「義工家長月隊長」!
為校園安全把關, 灣谷的孩子需要您!
灣谷中文學校是一個由義工所組成的非營利組織, 有家長的積極參與, 才能順利推動校務。
「家長校園巡守隊」的任務包括: 指揮交通, 巡邏校園, 下課休息期間, 為不小心受傷的孩子 擦擦藥。「月隊長」負責協調, 帶領並管理校園巡守隊。
請聯繫訓導主任 蔣國恩: fchiang@outlook.com

👉Seeking Monthly Yard Duty Leads!
We need your help to secure the campus safety!
Please sign up to be our Monthly Yard Duty Leads!
This is one of the most rewarding jobs. You can help with BVCS and become an integral part of the school security team by enforcing safety for all the kids and adults. We are the team that directs traffic, ensures safety for the entire campus between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., manages all emergency drills, and places band-aids on your kids when they fall during break time.
Your responsibilities are to coordinate, manage, & lead all facets of security for the entire month you sign up for.
Please get in touch with Frank Chiang @ fchiang@outlook.com for any additional questions/information.

  Parent Yard Duty   ⚠️ 01/12/2024, 校園巡守隊名單
⚠️ Campus Patrol List this Friday:

本週輪值家長, 請於 6:45pm 向隊長 Jesse Wang 報到。巡守任務 於 8:50 pm 結束。相關問題, 可詢問訓導組蔣國恩主任: fchiang@outlook.com
Designated parents in the table below should sign in this Friday with our Yard Duty Lead of January, Jesse Wang. Only one parent/guardian from a household needs to be on duty. Duty starts from 6:45 pm to 8:50 pm. Please contact Frank Chiang, the Director of Student Affairs, at fchiang@outlook.com if you have any questions.

Yard Dury


更多相片, 請點入灣谷中文學校臉書欣賞。
Check out more photos on BVCS's Facebook page