Week of 10/18/2024
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Halloween Parade

Halloween Parade


機不可失: 灣谷校內朗讀及西畫比賽!
為提升學生的自信, 提供展現才能的機會, 灣谷籌備了校內朗讀及西畫比賽, 獲勝者將會代 表學校於明年三月參加ANCCS區制學術比賽, 請家長鼓勵孩子, 趕快報名。

Exciting Opportunity: Read Aloud and Drawing Contest!
Calling all students! Don’t miss your chance to showcase your talent in the Read Aloud and Drawing Contests. This is a fantastic opportunity to shine and take your skills to the next level. Winners will have the honor of representing BVCS to compete in the regional ANCCS Academic Competition in March 2025!

灣谷 朗讀和西畫比賽
BVCS Read Aloud and Western Drawing Contest

Read Aloud and Western Painting Contest

Read Aloud and Western Painting Contest
Guidelines and Rules
Application Form
Download the read-aloud material


Important Announcement

  1. 溫馨提醒 Important Dates
    10/18 扯鈴課 #4 6 點
    Diabolo Adventure for the Beginner Lesson #4 at 6 pm

    七點半: 萬聖節遊行
    7:30PM: Halloween Parade

    10/25 網課
    老師將寄出網課連結和密碼。 學生務必遵守網路教室秩序, 裝 心上課勿分心, 也請家長從旁督促協助。
    Online Class
    Your teacher will share the Online Class Link and password with parents. Students are expected to follow all virual-classroom guidelines. Parents are encouraged to assist as needed to ensure their children remain focused during class.
    11/01 放假
    No School
    ( School Recess for the San Ramon Valley Unified School District)

  2. 本學年家長校園巡邏輪值表 Campus Patrol Duty List for 2024-2025
    灣谷中文學校是非營利組織, 教職人員有限, 非常需要義工家長投入, 分擔責任。 一個家庭只需要一位家長擔任校園巡守隊員。為了保留家長隱私, 校方決定只公布 一下按姓氏排列月度輪值表。
    輪值家長請在 6:45 pm ~ 8:50 pm,向月隊長報到。 對當值週有任何問題, 或想查詢您 值班的確實日期, 請電郵 bayvalleychineseschool@yahoo.com每週, 校園巡守隊 月隊長會向值班家長發送電郵, 溫馨提醒。

    BVCS is a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping tuition affordable. To support this goal, each household is required to contribute to safety duties by having one parent or guardian on duty. For security reasons, we cannot post all the names publicly. However, below is the general schedule based on last names.
    Duty hours are from 6:45 pm to 8:50 pm. Should you have questions about the schedule or want to know the specific date of your campus patrol duty, please send your inquiry to bayvalleychineseschool@yahoo.com. Each week, a yard duty lead will send a reminder email to the assigned parents.
    月度輪值表 Parents by Month
    Year Month From To
    2024 Oct Mo Se
    2024 Nov Sh Ts
    2024 Dec Ts Yu
    2025 Jan Yu Che
    2025 Feb Che Cho
    2025 Mar Cho Hua
    2025 Apr Hua Lau
    2025 May Lau Lin

  3. 走廊 及 課間休息 安全
    Play Safe, Walk Wise: Keeping our Hallways Safe and Recess Fun!

      walking safe   walking safe
    As we continue to foster a safe and orderly environment at our school, we kindly ask for parents’ support in reminding your children about the importance of appropriate behavior during recess and in the hallways. Please encourage them to walk calmly through the hallways, refrain from playing with balls inside, and stay out of the bushes outside the classrooms. Your cooperation is invaluable in helping us maintain a safe space for all our students. Thank you for your continued support!

  4. 校園安全和規範 Campus Safety and Security Guidelines
    1. 學生不可攀爬, 快跑, 推擠。
    2. 上課中途進入校園的成人, 請先向校園巡守員登記, 表明身分。
    3. 教室內不可飲食。
    4. 尊重地主學校, 保持教室清潔, 切勿任意使用或搬動教室內任何物品。

    Our parent-yard-duties are entrusted with the responsibilities to monitor student activity and behavior on the school campus. To ensure a safe environment conducive to learning, our yard-duties will enforce the following rules:
    1. Students are prohibited from climbing, running or causing disruptions on the campus.
    2. Visitors who are not an immediate relative of students must check in with the yard-duty at the front gate and record on the "visitors book" their name, signature, the purpose of their visit, and the date and time of their arrival and departure.
    3. No eating or drinking inside the classrooms.
    4. Respect the host school, keep the classroom clean, leave items in the classroom as they are (including computer, documents, camera and students' artworks), and refrain from using or moving them.

  5. 尋找義工家長 Search for Parent Volunteers

      Recruit Parent Yard Duty   訓導處: 徵求灣谷校園巡守隊

    為校園安全把關, 灣谷的孩子需要您!
    灣谷中文學校是一個由義工所組成的非營利組織, 有家長的積極參與, 才能順利推動校務。
    「家長校園巡守隊」的任務包括: 指揮交通, 巡邏校園, 下課休息期間, 為不小心受傷的孩子擦擦藥。「月隊長」負責協調, 帶領並管理校園巡守隊。
    請聯繫: bayvalleychineseschool@yahoo.com

    Student Affairs Department: Seeking Volunteers to be Yard Duty Leads for January & February!
    We need your help to secure campus safety! Please sign up to be our Monthly Yard Duty Leads! This is one of the most rewarding jobs. You can help with BVCS and become an integral part of the school security team by enforcing safety for all the kids and adults. We are the team that directs traffic, ensures safety for the entire campus between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., manages all emergency drills, and places band-aids on your kids when they fall during break time.

    Your responsibilities are to coordinate, manage, and lead all facets of security for the entire month you sign up for. Please get in touch @ bayvalleychineseschool@yahoo.com for any additional questions/information.