Week of 05/10/2024
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本週五, 是 2023-2024 學年度的最後一天了。衷心感激每一位家長, 學生, 以及行 政教職同仁, 通力合作, 彼此扶持, 相互疼惜, 為灣谷中文學校創造大豐收的一 年!

隨著本學年的結束, 我的校長任期也將告一段落。

下個學年度, 我將接任「北加州中文學校聯合會」會長, 為舊金山灣區八十多所中 文學校服務。灣谷也將是我繼續服務的會員學校, 我會繼續陪伴大家, 繼續為海 外中文教育努力, 繼續陪伴孩子們快樂學習。

過去兩年, 有機會為灣谷師生服務, 不但是我的責任, 也是我至高的榮幸。

感謝灣谷創辦人, 宋國恩前校長的栽培, 感謝灣谷董事會的信任和支持, 感謝行 政同仁的配合, 感謝寶貝老師們的無私奉獻, 更感謝每一位家長的鼎力相助, 溫 暖的友誼和鼓勵。

誠摯祝福灣谷的每一位大小成員, 有一個快樂, 平安, 精彩, 豐富的暑假!


灣谷中文學校校長 李娜亞鞠躬 (2022-2024 學年度)

Dear BVCS Community,

As we draw near to the conclusion of the 2023-2024 school year, I would like to take a moment to offer my sincere gratitude to all parents, students, and staff, for your unwavering support and commitments. Your contributions and participation have been the cornerstone of our collective success, and for that, I am truly thankful.

The closing of this academic year also marks the end of my tenure as the Principal of Bay Valley Chinese School (BVCS). In the upcoming academic year, I will be assuming the role of the President of the Association of Northern California Chinese Schools, where I will have the privilege of serving over 80 member schools in the San Francisco Bay Area. BVCS will remain close to my heart as one of these member schools. I am eager to continue serving our boarder community and advocating for the importance of Chinese education in the Bay Area, accompanying you and supporting children in their journey of joyful learning.

Having the opportunity to serve as your principal in the past two years has been both a privilege and a pleasure. I am deeply indebted to the founding director, former Principal Kay Wang, for her guidance and mentorship. My sincere appreciation extends to the BVCS Board of Directors for their trust and support. I am very grateful to have a wonderful administrative team and teachers for their tireless efforts and dedication. The steadfast support and encouragement from parents are such a blessing. Thank you for the memories, the friendships, and the priceless lessons learned.

BVCS will forever hold a special place in my heart. I wish you all a restful and rejuvenating summer break filled with laughter, joy, and precious moments with loved ones.

Until we cross paths again, please take care and stay in touch!

With warmest regards,
Noya Lee
BVCS Principal (2022-2024)



5/10, 年終園遊會, 戶外廣場登場, 歡迎大家一起來玩喔!
Join us for an enchanting end-of-the-year Carnival in the courtyard!

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, 學校戶外廣場, 園遊會熱鬧登場!
有各班老師精心設計各式手做, 文化, 遊戲攤位;
有義工家長用心準備各項美食, 記得帶現金來買好吃的點心喔!
舞台上, 還有武術學校酷炫的示範演出!
讓我們一起在歡笑聲中, 為2023-2024學年劃下精彩的句點!

5/10, Get Ready to Dive into a World of Fun at our Carnival!
From 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, our courtyard will be transformed into a bustling carnival extravaganza!
Our amazing teachers will be hosting a variety of booths, featuring handmade crafts, cultural activities, and mind-teasing games.
Our dedicated parent-volunteers will be selling an array of mouthwatering snacks. Don’t forget to bring your cash!
A local martial art school will showcase a dazzling performance!
Let's bid farewell to the 2023-2024 school year with laughter, joy and unforgettable memories!


BVCS Enrollment Flyer

5/10,6:30 pm - 8:20 pm, 新生現場註冊
👉 新生註冊地點: Pine Valley 中學, 101 辦公室。
👉 新生註冊必備文件:
     【a】表格 (請從BVCS網站下載), 或請填寫線上註冊表。
     【c】出生證明 (報名幼稚園或一年級的新生) 。
     【d】報名二年級或以上之學生, 請於繳納文件後,至 102 教室參加分班 考。

5/4 – 8/23, 新生網上註冊
*2024/5/4~2024/8/23 期間, 灣谷將繼續接受報名。但錄取與否, 取決於班級 是否還有空缺名額。錄取名單, 將以先到先得的原則處理。

5/10, New Student In-person Enrollment
In-person Registration
👉 Time: 6:30 pm - 8:20 pm
👉 Location: BVCS Office, Room 101
👉 Please ensure to bring the following with you:
     [a] completed paper registration forms, which are available for download from the BVCS website under the Registration tab, if an online form has not already been submitted.
     [b] the tuition check.
     [c] a copy of the birth certificate or passport for kindergarten and first-grade students.
     [d] your child, if intending to enroll in second grade or higher, as they will be required to take a diagnostic test for placement.

5/4-8/23, New Student Online Enrollment
Online Registration
*Between May 4, 2024, and August 23, 2024, registration forms will continue to be accepted. However, admission during this period is contingent upon space availability and will be processed on a first-come first-served basis.


新學年 (2024-2025) 註冊導引
請到灣谷 註冊網頁, 上網填寫註冊報名表, 或下載紙本註冊單:

2024-2025 New Academic Year Registration Instruction
To register, please submit an online registration form or download a hardcopy of the registration form, accessible under the Registration tab on the BVCS webpage.

註冊注意事項 (1):
送交註冊報名表, 不代表完成註冊;
學校收到支票, 才算註冊成功喔!
Special Note on Enrollment Procedures (1):
Registration remains incomplete until the school has received the tuition check.

註冊注意事項 (2):
*舊生及其兄弟姐妹將會喪失優先報名的權利, 倘若灣谷註冊組沒有在 2024/5/3 之前, 收到報名表格和學費支票。
Special Note on Enrollment Procedures (2):
*Current students and their siblings will forfeit their priority enrollment privilege if BVCS does not receive their completed registration forms and tuition checks on or before May 3, 2024.


  Parent Yard Duty   徵求 下學年度,灣谷校園巡守隊「月隊長」!
「月隊長」負責協調, 帶領並管理校園巡守隊。
「家長校園巡守隊」的任務包括:指揮交通, 巡邏校園。下課休息期 間, 為不小心受傷的孩子擦擦藥。
如果您願意擔任月隊長,請聯繫訓導主任 蔣國恩 fchiang@outlook.com

👉Seeking Monthly Yard Duty Leads for the next school year!
We need your help to secure the campus safety!
Please sign up to be our Monthly Yard Duty Leads!
This is one of the most rewarding jobs. You can help with BVCS and become an integral part of the school security team by enforcing safety for all the kids and adults. We are the team that directs traffic, ensures safety for the entire campus between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., manages all emergency drills, and places band-aids on your kids when they fall during break time.
Your responsibilities are to coordinate, manage, & lead all facets of security for the entire month you sign up for.
Please get in touch with Frank Chiang @ fchiang@outlook.com for any additional questions/information.

  Parent Yard Duty   ⚠️ 05/10/2024, 週五, 校園巡守隊名單
⚠️ Campus Patrol List this Friday:

本週輪值家長, 請於 6:15pm 向隊長 Ron Leung 報到。巡守任務 於 8:30 pm 結束。相關問題, 可詢問訓導組蔣國恩主任: fchiang@outlook.com
Designated parents in the table below should sign in this Friday with our Yard Duty Lead of May, Ron Leung. Only one parent/guardian from a household needs to be on duty. Duty starts from 6:15 pm to 8:30 pm. Please contact Frank Chiang, the Director of Student Affairs, at fchiang@outlook.com if you have any questions.

Yard Dury


  Photo logo   相片集錦 Photo Album

灣谷開放新生註冊日, 辛苦大家了!
Rocking it together on the In-Person Registration Day last week!
BVCS Team: Thank You for Your Stellar Efforts!

Registration Team

行政同仁和義工家長, 為園遊會募款攤位腦力激盪!
Administrative colleagues and parent volunteers brainstormed for the carnival fund-raising booth!

Carnival Team Meeting


  Community Bulletin Board   社區活動分享
Community Events

Chinese Youth Orchestra

由二胡演奏家, 史濤團長所帶領的「北美青年中樂團」, 將在6/9, 6/16, 6/23, 6/30, 開放免費試課機會! 歡迎一年級到十二年級的學年報名參加! 名額有 限,報名從速喔!
Join the North America Chinese Youth Orchestra, led by renowned erhu soloist and music director, Mr. Tao Shi, for free trial classes on 6/9, 6/16, 6/23, and 6/30! Open to students from grades 1 to 12! Hurry, spaces are limited! Secure your spot now and enroll today by scanning the QR code above.
Photos of students performing at the concerts of North America Chinese Youth Orchestra:

Chinese Youth Orchestra Chinese Youth Orchestra


Click here to see pictures on the BVCS Facebook page.