世界日報 報導:
「灣谷中文學校新春聯歡 500人熱情參與嗨翻」, 請按
僑務電子報 報導:
「灣谷中文學校龍年新春聯歡會」, 請按 這裡。
大紀元 報導:
「灣谷中文學校舉辦盛大新春聯歡活動」, 這按 這裡。
Chinese Media Buzz on BVCS' Lunar New Year Celebration!
Click the following links for an exciting read:
The World Journal Article:
"Bay Valley Chinese School's Lunar New Year Festivity: 500 Enthusiastic Attendees
Turn Up the Heat!"
The Overseas Community Affairs Council Digital News Article:
"Bay Valley Chinese School's Year of the Dragon Gala"
The Epoch Times Article:
"The Spectacular Lunar New Year Extravaganza at Bay Valley Chinese School in the
East Bay"
衷心感謝同仁, 老師, 家長, 助教的犧牲奉獻。
回顧當天所有的精彩節目, 從首集影片開始看起吧!
🎉Kudos to All for Making our 🐲Year of the
Dragon🐲 a Stunning Success!🎉
A huge shoutout to all our fantastic colleagues, teachers,
supportive parents and teaching assistants for their
incredible dedication and contribution! Your enthusiasm
and efforts truly made a difference. Together we created
unforgettable memories and immersed our students in the
vibrant traditions of Chinese culture.
Let's kick off our journey down the memory lane by
revisiting the astounding performances, beginning with the
following clip.
🐲觀賞「灣谷龍年新春聯歡聯播影片」, 請按 這裡。
🐲To watch the entire YouTube playlist of the BVCS Year
of Dragon Celebration, please click HERE.
徵求 下學年度,灣谷校園巡守隊「月隊長」!
「月隊長」負責協調, 帶領並管理校園巡守隊。 「家長校園巡守隊」的任務包括:指揮交通, 巡邏校園。下課休息期 間, 為不小心受傷的孩子擦擦藥。 如果您願意擔任月隊長,請聯繫訓導主任 蔣國恩 fchiang@outlook.com |
👉Seeking Monthly Yard Duty Leads for the next school year!
We need your help to secure the campus safety!
Please sign up to be our Monthly Yard Duty Leads!
This is one of the most rewarding jobs. You can help with BVCS and become an integral
part of the school security team by enforcing safety for all the kids and adults. We are
the team that directs traffic, ensures safety for the entire campus between 6:30 p.m. and
9 p.m., manages all emergency drills, and places band-aids on your kids when they fall
during break time.
Your responsibilities are to coordinate, manage, & lead all facets of security for the
entire month you sign up for.
Please get in touch with Frank Chiang @
for any additional questions/information.
⚠️ 02/23/2024, 週五, 校園巡守隊名單 ⚠️ Campus Patrol List this Friday: 本週輪值家長, 請於 6:45pm 向隊長 Eric Liu 報到。巡守任務 於 8:50 pm 結束。相關問題, 可詢問訓導組蔣國恩主任: fchiang@outlook.com Designated parents in the table below should sign in this Friday with our Yard Duty Lead of February, Eric Liu. Only one parent/guardian from a household needs to be on duty. Duty starts from 6:45 pm to 8:50 pm. Please contact Frank Chiang, the Director of Student Affairs, at fchiang@outlook.com if you have any questions. |
校園剪影 Campus Snapshots |
❤️Big Thank you to our colleagues and parent volunteers for their assistance in setting up the venue
Click here for Lunar New Year Celebration pictures on the BVCS
Google Drive.
Click here to see more pictures on the BVCS Facebook page.